Title: The Empty Pot
Author: Demi
Subject: Text Factors for Fictional Texts
Level: 2nd
State Standard(s): CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and
determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
In journals, the student will retell the folktale in one paragraph and
identify the central lesson of the folktale with evidence in a second paragraph with 80% accuracy.
Anticipatory Set
Anticipatory Set
Prior Knowledge: The students will have
prior knowledge of sequencing, decoding context clues, and
the features of a folktale. This will be the third lesson on
1. The teacher will start by showing a map of the world on the Smart
2. The teacher will ask several students to make an educated guess
and place a dot where they think China is on the map using a Smart Board
3. The teacher will then show the students where China is on the
4. Using a short power point presentation, the teacher will present information about Chinese culture. The power point will include music, a history, and food slide.
5. The teacher will also have a table set up for students to explore more about China after the lesson. The table will have an actual Chinese flag, pictures, and objects.
5. The teacher will also have a table set up for students to explore more about China after the lesson. The table will have an actual Chinese flag, pictures, and objects.
6. The teacher will activate prior knowledge by asking the students,
"what are the characteristics of a folktale.". Answer: Folktales are stories
that are told orally and passed down through generations. Folktales
usually have a deeper meaning behind them.
7. The teacher will then say, "Today we will be read a Folktale from China called, "The Empty Pot" by Demi. "
7. The teacher will then say, "Today we will be read a Folktale from China called, "The Empty Pot" by Demi. "
Recognition“What” Multiple means of Representation |
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of
Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of
2.5 Illustrate through multiple media.
The teacher will provide a table for the students to explore. This table will include objects, pictures, and a Chinese flag.
4.3 Integrate assistive technologies
The teacher will allow several students to go up to the Smart Board and place a dot using the Smart Board pen. |
8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.
The teacher will communicate with the student who is searching for China on the map and will encourage participation. The teacher will encourage feedback from students about what is a folktale.
3.1 Provide or activate background knowledge.
The teacher will ask the students to recall what characteristics make up a folktale.
and Model New Knowledge
1. The
teacher will present key vocabulary words that they will encounter in the text:
successor, Emperor, proclamation, kingdom and transferred. These key words will have a
picture and a written definition on a piece of chart paper for the students to
refer back to. At the end of the lesson the vocabulary word will be placed on
the word wall.
2. Before
the teacher reads the folktale she will ask the students to be thinking about
two questions. What is the story mostly about? And what lesson did I learn from
the story? (This will be written on the Smart Board for the students to refer
back to the questions.)
3. The
teacher will read the story, "The Empty Pot" by Demi.
4. The
teacher will then ask the students the first of the two questions: What is
the story mostly about?
5. Then
the teacher will conduct a brain talk and say, "Now in order to answer
that question I like to look at the end of the story. At the end of the story
Ping became Emperor. Then I like to think, "How did Ping get there?" The emperor
wanted a successor to be a child that could grow a beautiful flower. Ping
received a seed from the Emperor. He fertilized and watered the seed,
transferred the seed to a different pot, and then showed up to the palace
without a flower. All the other children had flowers and
Ping was claimed successor. So this story is mostly about being honest and
admitting failure.”
6. “Now
let's look at the second question, what did I learn? Ping put a lot of
time into tending the seed with no result. The other children of the
village had flowers that flourished. In the end, we learned that the Emperor
boiled the seeds so that no flowers could grow. When Ping admits that he
is the only child in China unable to grow a flower from the seeds distributed
by the Emperor, he is rewarded for his honesty. We learned that honesty is the best policy.”
Recognition “What” Multiple means of Representation |
Strategic “How” Multiple means of Action and Expression |
Affective “Why” Multiple means of Engagement |
2.1 Define vocabulary and symbols
The teacher will define and have a picture of
the vocabulary words on chart paper.
5.3 Provide ways to scaffold practice and
The teacher will conduct a brain talk with the students on how to answer the two questions.
8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.
The teacher will expect the whole group to think and communicate with the teacher.
3.2 Highlight critical features, big ideas,
and relationships
The teacher will ask the students to think
about two questions: What is the story mostly about? And what lesson did I
learn from the story?
6.3 Facilitate managing information and
9.2 Scaffold coping skills and strategies.
The teacher will conduct a brain talk with the
students. This will assist them with how to process the two focus questions.
Guided Practice
The teacher will dismiss the students at the carpet by
partner pairs. Giving them a basket with instructions to work anywhere in the
1. The students will be handed a basket. The basket will
contain: Instructions, behavior guidelines, 15 laminated sentence strips, 15
pictures, and finger puppets of the main characters in the story, and flash card script. The script will help the students who choose finger puppets in sequencing events. The sentence
strips will have a number on the back as a key to the order of the sentences.
The pictures will have numbers on the back as a key to the order of pictures.
The sentences will be as followed:
b. The
emperor loved to grow flowers.
c. The
emperor wanted the village children is to grow a beautiful flower in a year’s
time to determine the next successor.
d. Ping
loved to grow flowers.
e. Ping
received a seed from the emperor.
f. Ping
placed the seed into a pot.
g. Ping
fertilized and watered the seed.
h. No
flower grew.
i. Ping
transferred the seed into a bigger pot.
j. Ping
fertilized and watered the seed.
k. No
flower grew.
m. All
the other children had beautiful flowers.
n. The
emperor told the village children that he boiled the seeds so no flower could
o. The
emperor chose Ping as his successor.
2. The students will retell the story. The students have
the option of building the story with sentences or with pictures or with finger
3. The teacher will verbally give directions to the
students after all of the baskets have been passed out.
4. As the students are working the teacher will monitor the
groups and correct behavior problems if needed.
5. After 20- 30 minutes have passed the teacher will gather
the student’s attention and instruct them to quietly clean up their materials and have one partner place the basket up front on the table and return to their
seats quietly.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of
Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of
1.1 Provide alternatives for auditory information.
Each of the partner pairs will have instructions and behavior guidelines for reference, after the teacher verbally gives instructions.
4.1 Vary the methods for response and
The teacher will provide sentence strips,
pictures, and finger puppets.
8.2 Vary levels of challenge and support.
During this activity the students have three choices on how to retell the story, through pictures, sentences, or finger
puppets. On the back of the sentences and pictures they will be labeled
by number to help students sequence and check their understanding. For the finger puppets the students will have a flash card with the story to help guide them.
1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information.
The teacher will have the student work with pictures, finger puppets or sentences during this activity.
6.1 Guide appropriate goal setting.
The teacher will supply directions and
behavioral instructions for the students to follow while they are working
with partners.
8.3 Foster collaboration and communication.
The students will be working together in
partner pairs to build the story.
6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress.
The teacher will provide different models to work with: sentences, pictures, finger puppets.
1. The
students will quietly go back to their desks and immediately get out their
journals and quietly wait for further instruction.
2. The
teacher will have two predetermined students hand out adhesive labels with the
writing prompt on it. The students are to place the writing prompt at the top
of their next empty journal page. The teacher will then read aloud the righting
prompt to the student.
3. First, the students will retell the
story of "The Empty Pot" by Demi in one paragraph (5 or more
4. Second, the students will tell the
lesson they learned and evidence from the story in the second paragraph (3 or
more sentences).
5. The teacher will tell the students to
“open up to the next empty page in their journal.”
6. “Place the label on the top of the page
and without talking begin the writing prompt”.
7. The teacher will pull up the instructions
on the Smart Board for the students to refer.
8. On the Smart Board there will also be the
checklist the teacher will be using to assess their work.
9. If the students are struggling to start
their paragraphs, the teacher will direct the student to the chart paper on the
wall about transition words and connecting words.
10. The teacher will monitor the room and make
sure the students are focused and working quietly.
11. About 5 minutes into their writing the
teacher will state that before they move on to the vocabulary sort they must reread their
journal entry.
12. Once the students have completed
their paragraphs, they will mark their page in their journal, close the
journal, and place it in the top left corner of their desk for the teacher to
come around and check.
13. If the students have completed their work
they can pick up a vocabulary sort from the bookcase and quietly work on the vocabulary from “The Empty Pot”.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of
Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge.
The students will use the information they
worked on in guided practice to help write in their journals.
5.1 Use multiple media for communication.
The teacher will present directions on label,
Smart Board, and orally. If a student is struggling to write, the teacher could have the student orally tell the story.
7.3 Minimize threats and distractions.
The teacher will be monitoring the room to
make sure the students are focused and working quietly.
3.3 Guided Information processing,
visualization, and manipulation.
The teacher will provide the prompt to the
students on a adhesive label. The teacher will also have chart paper around
the room that contains transition words and connecting words.
5.3 Build fluencies with graduated levels of
support for practice and performance.
The teacher will provide a model to help the
students write with transition words.
9.1 Promote expectation and beliefs that
optimize motivation.
The prompt for the two paragraphs will be on
an adhesive label for the students to refer back to. The teacher will also have the
instructions up on the Smart Board for the students to refer back to.
9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection.
The students will have to reread their journal
entry before moving on to the vocabulary sort.
1. The
wrap- up will happen after the assessment at the student’s desks.
2. The
teacher will ask the students to quickly and quietly put away all materials on
their desk.If the teacher has not assessed the students work, they will leave their journal in the left hand corner of their desk.
3. The
teacher will say, “Today, we read a Folktale from China called, “The Empty Pot”.
The lesson of the story was that honesty is the best policy.”
4. The
teacher will then say, “I am going to give you 30 seconds to think of a time
when you were honest.’
5. The
teacher will allow 30 seconds to pass. During this time the teacher will get
out an empty pot and some plastic flowers.
6. The
teacher will ask a few students to briefly stand up and share a connection of a time when they were honest. If the student is talking for a long amount of time, the
teacher will put a thumbs up to tell the student to stop.
7. As
several students share (3-5 students) the teacher will place a flower in
the pot for each time a student gives an example.
8. At
the end of the lesson, if they have time, they will watch the video of "The
Empty Pot” by Demi.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of
Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of
1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information.
The teacher will have a pot and flowers to
demonstrate honesty.
6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress.
The teacher will ask the students to reflect
on a time they were honest.
7.2 Optimize relevance, value, and
This wrap up activity relates what Ping did in
the book, to the students life by reflecting on a time they were honest.
3.4 Maximize transfer and generalization.
This will reinforce with the student the lesson of the story that honesty is the best policy.
9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection.
The students will reflect and make a
connection to a time when they were honest.
(Informal - written)
Once the students have completed their two
paragraphs and have placed their journal in the left corner of their desk the
teacher will go around the room and assess the journal entry using a checklist
for each student.
2. After the
teacher has checked the student’s journal, they will place the journal back in
their desk and pick up a vocabulary sort from the bookcase. The students will quietly sort the vocabulary words from “The Empty Pot”.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of
Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of
2.2 Clarify syntax structure.
The checklist specifically looks at
capitalization and punctuation.
6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress.
The teacher will use a checklist to assess the
student’s work.
8.1 Heighten salience of goal and objectives.
The checklist covers what they objective
8.4 Increase mastery- oriented feedback.
The checklist will provide specific feedback
to students.
The Empty Pot by Demi
Smart Board
Blank map of China
Map highlighting China
Power point on Chinese
questions: What is this story mostly about? What lesson did I learn from this
for guided practice
guidelines for guided practice
Instructions for
independent practice
Checklist to show
Chart paper
Key vocabulary words
with pictures
Transition words
(already on wall)
Connecting words
(already on wall)
8 Baskets containing:
sentence strips
16 Journals (Each student should already have their own)
18 Adhesive Labels of the prompt
Vocabulary Sort
5 or 6 plastic flowers
16 Checklists for the teacher to assess each of the students
Hyperlink to “The Empty Pot” video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsNLAs4SOUY#t=74
Brain Network
UDL Principle
Recognition Networks
I. Multiple Means
of Representation ensures that the Recognition networks of students are
Specific UDL
Accommodations (1.1 – 3.4)
Strategic Networks
II. Multiple Means of Action and
Expression ensures that the Strategic networks of students are supported
Specific UDL
(4.1 – 6.4)
Affective Networks
III. Multiple Means of Engagement
ensures that the Affective networks of students are supported
UDL Accommodations
(7.1 – 9.3)